Download the White Paper: Vetting and Selecting a Supplemental Lift Provider

Many organizations that operate their own aviation assets will, at some point, need the services of a supplemental lift provider (SLP) to augment their capabilities. However, selecting an SLP is no simple task. Any provider can easily create a website that features eye-catching photos and a few audit logos that give it an air of professionalism and legitimacy. But can the SLP meet the client’s high safety and reliability standards?
This new white paper includes an overview of the SLP industry with descriptions of the different types of providers and an explanation of how their offerings vary. It also gives key considerations for evaluating SLPs and provides suggestions for how to learn more about vetting providers.
As a worldwide emergency services provider, Fireside Partners works with some of the world’s best known brands. In addition to responding to emergencies and providing on-site crisis support, we assist organizations with Emergency Response Program (ERP) development and coordinate customized drills and exercises that take place at client sites or our Delaware headquarters.