Live Drill Exercises
Executed in Stage 3 of your Emergency Response Program, your Live Drill allows your company to demonstrate your plan in action. At this point, you have been through your Tabletop Exercise as outlined in Stage 1 of your Program. You have aligned your resources with your other business plans (Stage 2), which has allowed you to identify how and where our experienced team will support you throughout your response. Your Live Drill, facilitated in real-time, is designed to provide you with a controlled and realistic scenario-based experience covering the initial hours of an emergency response. The drill will enhance knowledge of your plan, allow team members to hone their response skills, and identify opportunities to improve capabilities to advance your readiness to respond to an emergency effectively.
Participants include all team members identified through your Tabletop Exercise such as:
- Human Resources
- Corporate Crisis Management Lead
- Communications/Public Relations
- Investigation/On-Site Team
- For Aviation Operators
- Aviation Director
- Scheduler/Dispatcher
- On-Site Team (pilot and technical)
- Anyone responsible for your BCP
External seasoned role players will portray government officials, local authorities, family members, press, and others so you can be sure of realism and that you are testing your entire plan. The drill will culminate in a full debrief and a comprehensive written After-Action Report to document a road map for continued improvement of your emergency response plan and Stage 4 of your Program.