Stage 2 of your Emergency Response Program begins with aligning your Emergency Response Plan (ERP) with other important business plans such as your BCP. Organizations have found that during a crisis, executive decision-makers and managers are often double tasked with responding to the emergency at hand, while simultaneously keeping the business running. During your Tabletop Exercise, you identified participants that will be included in your Emergency Response Plan. The next step is to compare your ERP participants to the key stakeholders identified in your BCP.

During this review, your team at Fireside will work with you to analyze your resources to address any overlap with your other business priorities. Once the analysis is complete you can solidify your ERP, including the areas of support you will receive from your team at Fireside. This will build the foundation for your Live Drill during Stage 3 of your Program.

During this analysis we will work with you to:

  1. Identify key stakeholders
  2. Review critical functions
  3. Decipher overlaps between the business plan(s) and your ERP

Once the analysis is complete, we will work with you to update your ERP where necessary so you can test the plan during your Live Drill.

Simultaneously activating your BCP along with your ERP is no small task. Don’t wait until you’re faced with an emergency to identify the overlaps. We have seen the downstream impact of having these plans misaligned.

Please contact us today to begin your Emergency Response Program.